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Member challenges

Finance Leaders Virtual, Singapore 1

Date/Time: 05/03/2023

from 8.00am - 09.55am


Member challenges

In this Wise Crowd session, we will hear from 2-3 volunteers within the group about their detailed situation and challenges and we will do our best to furnish support, insight and relevant content.

Please contact me when you read this if you are ready to share with your own personal advisory group!

08.00 AM: Networking - please be on time!
08.15 AM: Meeting starts. EGN and Member introductions.
08.45 AM: Wise Crowd
09.45 AM: Feedback and input for the next meetings
09.55 AM: Meeting end

About EGN Singapore
As a business networking organization, our main value proposition is in the creation of authentic business relationships via networking events and peer group meetings. The business successes garnered from the networking opportunities created have been invaluable to our more than 600+ members across Singapore.


Click below if you are interested in becoming a member of EGN and get access to this event

April 28

Purposeful Career Planning

May 5

Best Practice Talent Acquisition Teams - What Are They Doing and How Are They Doing It?