The Power of Leading by Example: Why True Leaders Practice What They Preach
Have you ever followed a leader who says one thing but does another? Maybe you've encountered one who demands respect but doesn't give it? As human beings, we tend to be more heavily influenced by what people do than what they say. This is why leading by example is one of the most effective ways to gain trust and respect from others.
You Survived a Layoff: Navigating Your Career After Unexpected Change
The digital age is typically associated with progress, innovation, and, most of all, growth. Companies expand, taking on new markets and customers, while armies of talented individuals join their ranks. For years, this appeared to be the norm. However, recent events have rocked this image, pushing laid-off employees to the front pages, with headlines detailing the latest company-wide dismissals.
How Great Leaders Build High-Performing Teams by Leveraging Individual Strengths
Not all great leaders are geniuses or masters of every domain. Instead, they are individuals who possess the ability to identify, nurture and leverage the unique strengths and talents of those in their team. They know that the performance of their team as a whole depends on the individual talents and skills of each member.
How to Move Forward When You Feel Frozen in the Business World
Navigating the business world can be full of twists and turns, and it's not uncommon to feel stuck or frozen at times. This can be especially frustrating for those in positions of leadership, whether you're a business owner or a senior executive. You may find yourself putting in long hours and giving it your all, but still feel like you're not making any real progress.
The Power of Peer Groups: How to Get the Most out of Them
In today’s world, networking has acquired a new level of importance. Business owners, employees, entrepreneurs, and professionals have all realized the value of expanding their contact base and gaining access to new opportunities. However, one type of networking that is often overlooked is peer network groups.
Why Sharing Your Own Mental Health Story Can Help You Become a Better Ally in Leadership and How Peer Networking Can Help
As we move through our daily lives, we have countless interactions with various individuals. Some of these individuals we may not know well, while others are our close friends, family members, or colleagues. While these interactions can be positive and uplifting, they can also be stressful and challenging, particularly when it comes to sensitive topics such as mental health.
Unlocking the Power of Peer Networking: How Business Leaders Can Create a Positive Organizational Culture for Improved Financial Results
The culture of an organization can have a significant impact on its financial results. The way employees feel about the organization, their colleagues, and their work can affect their productivity, engagement, and motivation. A positive culture can lead to higher employee satisfaction, lower turnover, increased productivity, and, ultimately, improved financial performance. As a business leader, creating a positive culture that supports the business objectives and helps achieve financial success is crucial.
The Importance of Peer Groups for Personal and Professional Development
Humans are social creatures, and their interactions with one another shape their thoughts, beliefs, and ultimately, their actions. Effective leaders understand that growth is crucial for long-term success. In order to maximize their effectiveness, they constantly strive to improve their character and competency.
The Benefits of Connecting with a Peer Group Versus AI Bots - What Should You Choose?
Human beings are social creatures, and we thrive when we’re surrounded by others. It’s in our nature to seek out companionship, support, and a sense of belonging. But in a world where technology is advancing rapidly, we must decide how we want to connect with others - through traditional social networks or through artificial intelligence (AI) bots.
A Conversation with Tom Goodwin, Innovation Leader & Author of Digital Darwinism
In a recent interview with Nick Jonsson, MD with EGN SG, MY & ID, speaker and writer Tom Goodwin spoke about the need to revamp the education system to focus on skills that make humans unique, such as creativity and empathy, instead of training people to be similar to machines.
Succeeding Without Sacrificing
You'll often hear from others that the road to success takes making sacrifices along the way, be it to your social life, physical or mental health, or relationships with others—but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Networking – The Potential Career Life Saver During Recessions
Economic recessions can be difficult times for all involved, but even more so for those looking to stay in the job market.
On Friday, Google - part of tech giant Alphabet - made the painful decision to release 12,000 employees from its workforce. Those affected were taken by surprise as some had just been promoted or held long-term positions at the company.
Business Peer Group side discussion: “The Rise of Artificial Intelligence.”
With the frequently shifting landscape of business, forming confidential peer groups or networking circles is a great way to help leaders stay ahead. These meetings are ideal for spreading innovative insights, tackling common issues with fresh perspectives, and connecting with professionals who share similar aspirations.
Joining a Peer Group to Achieve Big Goals in 2023
Another year has passed, and here we are, freshly entering 2023! What better way to kickstart the new year than with brand new resolutions that'll help set the tone for your year and steer you towards greater successes? Let 2023 be your breakthrough! Set ambitious goals, make them happen, and unlock opportunities to reach newer and better heights that you've yet to.
The Difference Between Choosing Change and Chasing It
Organizations that are looking to succeed and grow must be mindful of the difference between choosing change and chasing it. Change is inevitable, but how an organization chooses to address it can make all the difference in its success. Let's explore what this means for organizations today.
How Ego Can Limit Your Leadership Success
There is a fine line between being confident and having too much ego. As a leader, it is important to recognize when your ego is getting in the way of good leadership. When an individual allows their ego to get out of control, it can lead to poor decision making and even hurt the team or organization's success.
Business networking: Digital Transformation in Asia Pacific in 2022: Where Are We Now?
t has been 10 years since the digital transformation in the Asia Pacific began to take shape. Looking back, it's easy to get lost in all the changes that have taken place and the progress that has been made. To really understand where we are now, it's important to take a moment to reflect on how far we have come.
Having the right networks can make all the difference when changing careers.
Utilizing connections to tap into new possibilities is essential for a successful transition and career growth.
Are you ready to take your career to the next level and discover exciting new opportunities?
5 things that will keep business leaders awake in 2023
As we move into the new year, businesses are facing a number of challenges that threaten to disrupt operations and hinder growth. One of the most significant concerns is the ongoing disruption of global supply chains.
Flattening Organization Structures: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
The traditional hierarchical organization model is slowly but surely becoming a thing of the past. In its place is a new way of organizing businesses that is known as the flattened organization. This topic was raised by EGN Business Leader Network groups in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. So, what exactly is a flattened organization, and when and how should businesses make the switch? Let's take a closer look.