Joining a Peer Group to Achieve Big Goals in 2023
Another year has passed, and here we are, freshly entering 2023! What better way to kickstart the new year than with brand new resolutions that'll help set the tone for your year and steer you towards greater successes? Let 2023 be your breakthrough! Set ambitious goals, make them happen, and unlock opportunities to reach newer and better heights that you've yet to.
If you want to be fuelled with the drive and power to reach your goals, one of the easiest ways is to join a peer group—to immerse yourself in an environment of like-minded individuals with equal, if not more, desire to succeed. According to Tony Robbins, "The truth is, you want to surround yourself with people who are out of your league", but how does connecting with a peer group actually help you achieve the goals you've set out for yourself? Here's what Tony has to say about it.
Gain Access to Resources and Connections
By joining a peer group, by default, you'll gain access to the resources and connections that would otherwise be unavailable. You stand to learn from the experiences of other members and can connect with their contacts too, both of which will open a plethora of opportunities for networking and collaboration. You can never be too connected, as each connection will eventually serve a purpose, either in the present moment or in the future. On top of that, you'll have a strong support system to rely on that's ready to help whenever you're ready to take action on your ideas and plans.
Learn From Other Experiences
A peer group provides a platform and the opportunity for members to learn from one another's experiences. As every member comes from differing backgrounds and industries, each have their own set of valuable insights and advice that can be beneficial for all involved. Knowledge sharing is key to staying on top of current trends across industries, and to prepare yourself for any potential changes in the future that may affect you, both professionally or personally. As you gain exposure to new perspectives, it may even open up avenues for critical thinking that will help you build creative solutions that you otherwise would not have discovered without the input from others.
Be Accountable and Receive Support
With people who are counting on you and pushing you towards success, one of the greatest pluses of being a part of a peer group is accountability. The external motivation that you'll receive from those around you serves as a force to keep you focused on your goal, and will help you get through even the most difficult of moments when you feel as though giving up is the best way out. A peer group can offer emotional support as well—a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, or sharing words of encouragement that are all invaluable as you're striving towards your goal.
At EGN, we believe in helping people expand their horizons by stepping outside of their comfort zones. Are you on the lookout for brand-new ways to get ahead of the game? Try your hand at peer networking! Take the risk and challenge yourself—don't miss out on the opportunities that are right in front of you.
Get in touch with us if you’d like to join one of our groups. We would love to welcome you into our community.