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Deep dive into the E of ESG: "Carbon neutral - the elephant in the room"

  • The Executive Centre, Level 37. Meeting Room 37a and b, Ocean Financial Centre 10 Collyer Quay Singapore, 049315 Singapore (map)

Executive Leadership, Singapore 1

Date/Time: 04/14/2023

from 13.30pm - 17.30pm


The Executive Centre, Level 37. Meeting Room 37a and b, Ocean Financial Centre, 10 Collyer Quay, Singapore 04931

Deep dive into the E of ESG: "Carbon neutral - the elephant in the room"

There's a lot of talk about carbon neutrality - what is greenwashing, and what is truly good for the planet? Join us, to hear from Priyaka Dhingra, Associate Director, ESG at KPMG and member of the EGN ESG group, to learn about trends in ESG and get advice on low hanging fruits to improve your company's environmental footprint.

About The Speaker

Priyaka Dhingra, Associate Director, ESG at KPMG and member of the EGN ESG group. See her profile on LinkedIn here.

Followed by Your Challenges

Bring along a challenge that we you or your team is facing and get your peer group's input and different perspectives to help you move forward. Contact your chair, Mette Johansson, to discuss the topic beforehand.

Note: Mette Johansson is unavailable and one of MetaMind's (her company's), Senior Associate Trainers, Anupama Murali, will facilitate on her behalf.

13.30 PM: Networking
14.00 PM: Welcome - Update on EGN, group development and new members
14.20 PM: Topic of the day: Deep dive into the E of ESG: "Carbon neutral - the elephant in the room"
15.40 PM: Break
16.00 PM: Your challenges
17.30 PM: Meeting closes
17.30 PM: Happy hour drinks

About EGN Singapore
As a business networking organization, our main value proposition is in the creation of authentic business relationships via networking events and peer group meetings. The business successes garnered from the networking opportunities created have been invaluable to our more than 600+ members across Singapore.


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