Loneliness on the Global Stage: A Validation of Nick Jonsson's Mission

In November 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared loneliness as a significant global health threat. The gravity of this designation was emphasized by the U.S. Surgeon General, who likened its mortality effects to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. This acknowledgment serves as a compelling validation of the mission set in motion by our Managing Director, Nick Jonsson, in 2019.

Jonsson, who is also an advocate for vulnerability and authentic connections, explored the profound impact of loneliness on health and well-being in his #1 international best-selling book, "Executive Loneliness," released in 2021. This article delves into the significance of the WHO's declaration and its alignment with Jonsson's mission, highlighting the urgency of addressing this silent epidemic.

Loneliness Knows No Borders: WHO's Global Recognition

The WHO's acknowledgment of loneliness as a global public health concern underscores the gravity of this universal challenge. Figures like US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy have spearheaded initiatives that align with Jonsson's belief that loneliness, akin to smoking 15 cigarettes a day in its health impact, transcends borders, age, and socio-economic statuses. This section explores the global implications of loneliness and the resonance with Jonsson's insights.

Executive Loneliness: A Prelude to a Global Epidemic

In "Executive Loneliness," Jonsson draws parallels between the health impact of loneliness and smoking, emphasizing the far-reaching consequences of social isolation. This subsection delves into the key messages of Jonsson's book, showcasing how his foresight in identifying loneliness as a significant issue laid the groundwork for the WHO's recent declaration.

EGN and the Pursuit of Genuine Connections

As the Co-Founder and Managing Director of EGN, a global professional network, Jonsson has dedicated himself to fostering genuine connections and advocating for mental well-being. This section explores Jonsson's journey in creating spaces where individuals can overcome isolation, emphasizing the importance of vulnerability in building supportive networks both personally and professionally.

A Call to Action: Guiding Leaders Through Connection

The WHO's recognition of loneliness as a public health concern echoes the urgency Jonsson has been emphasizing—the essential need for vulnerability in building supportive networks. As a recognized LinkedIn Top Voice of 2023, Jonsson's commitment to guiding leaders and professionals in overcoming isolation becomes more relevant than ever. This subsection highlights Jonsson's role in the global call to action against loneliness.

Gratitude and Reflection: A Personal Response

Reflecting on the WHO's acknowledgment, Jonsson expresses gratitude for being part of a network that values strong, authentic connections and encourages vulnerability. This section offers a personal insight into Jonsson's feelings about the global recognition of loneliness and how his network serves as a powerful antidote to the loneliness trap.


The global recognition of loneliness as a public health concern not only validates Nick Jonsson's work but also serves as a resounding call to action. As we grapple with the implications of loneliness on a global scale, Jonsson's mission to build communities where everyone feels connected and supported becomes even more critical. The WHO's declaration propels us into a new era of prioritizing mental well-being and authentic connections, echoing the sentiments championed by Jonsson in his mission against executive loneliness.

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