Coached by the Best to Be the Best: Nick Jonsson's Journey with John Mattone, the Coach of Steve Jobs

In the pursuit of personal and professional growth, the significance of guidance and mentorship cannot be overstated. Athletes, in their quest for peak performance, rely on coaches and experts to hone their skills. Similarly, individuals from various walks of life, including business professionals, can benefit immensely from coaching. Our Managing Director, Nick Jonsson, also an accomplished coach himself, is a firm believer in the transformative power of mentorship. When the opportunity arose for him to participate in the Certified Chief Master Coach (CCMC) advanced coaching training offered by ITD World, he eagerly embraced the chance to learn from the industry's finest. This elite group included distinguished figures like Guru John Mattone, Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Dr. Peter Chee, Dr. Marcia Reynolds, and many others.

This article delves into Nick Jonsson's extraordinary journey and the invaluable insights he gained from John Mattone, a coaching maestro renowned for his work with none other than the iconic Steve Jobs. With consistent rankings as the #1 Coaching Guru, John Mattone has left an indelible mark on the world of coaching.

The Steve Jobs Connection

Before his untimely passing, Steve Jobs stumbled upon John Mattone's book "Success Yourself." The book's message and concepts deeply resonated with Jobs, igniting a spark of recognition within him. Even the book's assessment struck a chord, prompting Jobs to reach out to John. This serendipitous connection marked the commencement of a transformational coaching journey between Steve Jobs and John Mattone in 2010.

The partnership between Steve Jobs and John Mattone yielded not only additional books authored by Jobs but also showcased the profound impact of coaching on an individual's life. Steve Jobs, renowned for his direct and assertive demeanor, discovered a compassionate side within himself through coaching. He realized the importance of exploring one's heart and soul, an aspect he had overlooked earlier in life. Jobs believed that had he delved into this aspect sooner, he could have been a better father, husband, and leader.

Discovering Your "WHY"

A pivotal lesson that Nick derived from his journey with John Mattone is the significance of discovering one's "WHY." Understanding one's purpose on Earth is the bedrock for unlocking one's true potential. Having a clear vision for oneself serves as the cornerstone of personal and professional growth.

The Importance of Vulnerability

John Mattone also underscored the importance of vulnerability in coaching. He emphasized that trust cannot exist without vulnerability. In the pursuit of becoming successful coaches, individuals must be willing to embrace their own vulnerability. Failure is an inevitable part of the journey, but it is from these experiences that true learning and personal growth occur. Resilience, both in the spiritual and family aspects of life, plays a pivotal role in an individual's development.

Becoming the Best Version of Ourselves

To become the best version of oneself, one must continually ask, "What is it that I must become?" This is a non-negotiable commitment. If there is a feeling that a piece is missing from one's purpose, it is one's responsibility to create processes and tools to help answer the question: "Why are they on Earth? What masterpiece will they leave behind for others?"

Intelligent Leadership

John Mattone's philosophy on Intelligent Leadership is rooted in measurement. While many shy away from introspection, it is imperative to measure the degree of one's self-concept, evaluate one's character – both inner and outer – and align oneself with a higher purpose. This self-awareness forms the bedrock upon which successful coaching is built.


Nick’s journey with John Mattone has reinforced the idea that even coaches need coaches. The experience has highlighted that the right mentors can inspire individuals to believe in themselves more than they ever thought possible. Striving to become the best versions of themselves, individuals must embrace vulnerability, discover their "WHY," and connect with their higher purpose. The leadership gap visible today can be bridged through Intelligent Leadership – leadership grounded in self-awareness and measurement, a philosophy exemplified by John Mattone throughout his illustrious career.

Nick expresses his deep gratitude to Peter Chee, CEO of ITD World, for extending the invitation to be part of this transformative learning experience. What began as a coaching training program has become a life-changing journey. Although he is only one month into the CCMC training, Nick is committed to continuing his reflections and sharing his learnings. For those who aspire to live a life beyond their wildest dreams, Nick invites you to reach out if you are interested in coaching, a keynote or workshop, or would like to take a seat in one of the confidential peer groups at EGN.

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