Business Owners/SME, Jakarta 1
Date/Time: 05/24/2023
from 08.00am - 12.00pm
WTC Conference Hall, WTC 3, Mezzanine Floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 29-31 Jakarta 12920
Talent Acquisition & Retention
After the Advisory Board session and Wise Crowd session, as voted at the March meeting, topic for the day will be Talent Acquisition and Retention.
Presenters will share insights on Talent Acquisition and Retention which will include sub-topics such as Recruitment/Head Hunting, Sourcing Channels, Employment Agreement, Remuneration, Reward & Punishment, ESOP program etc.
I expect that at the end of the session, you will have a better understanding on how to acquire talent and retain them thereafter.
If you have any questions or thoughts about how we can make this session even more impactful, please feel free to contact me.
Speaker Panel for Topic of the Day:
Arif Edison
Muliadi Jeo
Pande Kadek Yuda Bakti
08.00 AM: Registration & Networking
08.30 AM: Welcome - Update on EGN and Introduction to new members
08.45 AM: Advisory Board Session
09.30 AM: Wise Crowd Session (this will include breakout sessions)
10:00 AM: Break
10.30 AM: Topic of the Day
11.45 AM: Feedback and input for the next meetings
12.00 PM: Meeting close
About EGN
As A Business Networking Organization, Our Main Value Proposition Is In The Creation Of Authentic Business Relationships Via Networking Events And Peer Group Meetings. The Business Successes Garnered From The Networking Opportunities Created Have Been Invaluable To Our More Than 600+ Members.
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