Business Owners/ SME, Singapore 2
Date/Time: 05/17/2023
from 8.00am - 12.00pm
The Executive Centre Singapore Level 49, Meeting Room 49A. One Raffles Quay North Tower
Privacy and Security for SME's- What do we really need to know?
With our worlds becoming increasing run by technology, we are more and more reliant on it working well 24 x7 in order to be able to succeed in business. However, as Tech becomes the mainstay for our success, this also creates a space in which we can be made vulnerable by those who seek to gain an advantage from us by infiltrating our platforms. However, we can't prepare for everything, and as business owners we need to prioritise our time and money effectively.
Moran Tomar has been working in cyber security for the last 20 years and now is a Global Chief Security officer. Having moved from Israel to Singapore Moran can offer a range of ways in which we can proactively think about protecting our businesses and just how to go about implementing them, as well as dispel some of the myths around cybersecurity and what is actually needed when infiltrations happen.
08.00 AM: Registration
08.30 AM: Welcome - Update on EGN, group development and new members
09.00 AM: Host Presentation -Moran Tomar- Note this presentation will include breakout sessions
10:00 AM: Break
10.30 AM: Part 2: Member Sharing session - Note this will include breakout sessions
11.30 AM: Feedback and input for the next meetings
12.00 PM: Meeting close
About EGN
As A Business Networking Organization, Our Main Value Proposition Is In The Creation Of Authentic Business Relationships Via Networking Events And Peer Group Meetings. The Business Successes Garnered From The Networking Opportunities Created Have Been Invaluable To Our More Than 600+ Members.
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