Business Owners/SME, Singapore 1
Date/Time: 04/26/2023
from 08.00am - 12.00pm
HUONE Singapore, 3D River Valley Rd, #03-01 Block D, Singapore 179023.
How to Fund Raise: Key tips
Many of us are looking to expand our businesses, and depending on the scope may need to rely on an external funding source. Fund raising is something we have all heard about, but few of have practical experience in actually successfully raising funds from VC's or angel investors.
In this meeting we will review how to set yourself up for success in this area, so your business is presented well. Plus we will review what you should look for in a potential investor or partner.
08.00 AM: Registration and Networking
08.30 AM: Welcome - Update on EGN, group development and new members
09.00 AM: Part 1: How to Fund Raise-Key tips- Speaker TBA
10:00 AM: Break
10.30 AM: Part 2: Member Sharing session- Note this will include breakout sessions
11.30 AM: Feedback and input for the next meetings
12.00 PM: Meeting close
About EGN Singapore
As a business networking organization, our main value proposition is in the creation of authentic business relationships via networking events and peer group meetings. The business successes garnered from the networking opportunities created have been invaluable to our more than 600+ members across Singapore.
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