EGN Virtual 1 Peer Group Meeting
Date/Time: 06/13/2023
from 04.00pm - 05.55pm
EGN invites you to join on Tuesday, June 13th, 2023. This is a fantastic opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and gain valuable insights from knowledgeable professionals.
Date: Tuesday, June 13th, 2023.
Topic: How to fund growth cost-effectively?
Money costs more, cashflow is getting tighter, we are under pressure to cut costs - yet growth opportunities abound!
What options are open to us to find the cash to fund growth? Can we generate more cash from operations by tightening working capital? Can we find cheaper sources of credit? Can we make a stronger case for Asia and get more funds from head office?
Let's identify our funding challenges and use our best thinking to find solutions together, solutions we can share with our peers.
04.00 PM: Networking
04.25 PM: Meeting starts. EGN and Member introductions.
04.40 PM: Topic of the day
05.40 PM: Feedback and input for the next meetings
05.55 PM: Meeting end
About EGN Singapore
As a business networking organization, our main value proposition is in the creation of authentic business relationships via networking events and peer group meetings. The business successes garnered from the networking opportunities created have been invaluable to our more than 600+ members across Singapore.
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