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AMA on Professional Development with Mentoring by Yen-Lu

EGN Info Meeting

Date/Time: 03/30/2023

from 04.00pm - 05.00pm

AMA on Professional Development with Mentoring by Yen-Lu

A rich body of research shows that highly successful people hardly ever make it on their own. They enlist the help of experienced people or those with certain expertise who can lead them and guide them - people to whom they can turn for counsel, for advice, for motivation, for key techniques and strategies that minimise risk and maximise success.

Join Mr. Yen-Lu Chow (Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Asia Institute of Mentoring) as he introduces you to a journey of discovery via mentoring.

About the speaker: Yen-Lu Chow

Yen-Lu Chow is the Co-Founder & Executive Chairman, WholeTree Foundation and Over-The-Rainbow, Asia Institute of Mentoring, Executive Mentor of YSI SEA and Founder of the Deep Human Movement. Yen-Lu’s career spans 40+ years in the Tech, Media, Venture Capital and more recently Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy.

In a fast-paced world where the only constant is change, he believes there is an urgent need for each of us to draw on our strengths and creative potential as human beings, to connect with our higher self and our deeper purpose to contribute towards humanity in a positive and impactful way. Yen-Lu devotes his time serving both society and the nation in his various capacities. He is on a life mission to help bring about a kinder, gentler, more inclusive, more just and sustainable world.

About EGN Singapore
As a business networking organization, our main value proposition is in the creation of authentic business relationships via networking events and peer group meetings. The business successes garnered from the networking opportunities created have been invaluable to our more than 600+ members across Singapore.


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